TRE is specifically designed to evoke the body’s shaking mechanism, thereby releasing the deep, chronic muscle contractions created by stress and trauma. Used regularly, it can also prevent life’s everyday minor stresses form turning into chronic pain.
TRE is not about interpretation or analysis of life’s stressful events. It’s restorative and healing because it accesses the deep and the withheld physical tensions that because they are unreleased, cause internal stress and, in some cases, physical patterns of how the body reacts to similar situations. Releasing tension allows for actual, physical relaxation of the body. The tremoring mechanism is a natural part of the nervous system. Trauma Releasing Exercises are designed to facilitate the body moving repressed physical and emotional energy so it can achieve a state of relaxation. The trauma mechanism moves through fascia with the bodies natural electrical current.
Fascia is a fibrous connective tissue that permeates the body and attaches muscle to bone. When the brain perceives a threat, whether mental, physical, or emotional, the sympathetic nervous system receives a signal from the brain to release adrenaline and cortisol into the body. The chemical charge is stored in the fascia. An excessive amount of these chemicals can cause the body to structurally misalign, with some muscles over acting while others become more restricted. A compensating body is unusually a body that experiences stiffness and pain. TRE is the bodies natural response to reorder connective tissue and release built up emotional and chemical charges that have laid dormant from recent to very early times. TRE is not the exercise of the mind, but the experience of the body.